Dental Shark Beach is a famous beach with other beaches in Indonesia, especially in Lampung Province. Beach Shark Teeth or Pantai Batu Sail or Pegadungan is very exotic view because its location is located from the many clusters of high rocks like cliffs with a very cool arrangement. This rock formation is high and also large about 1 meter to 10 meters for its height.
This is the location of Pegadungan Beach known as Pantaiu Dental Shark because of the rocks that resemble shark's teeth. Because of this beauty, this location is also called Pantai Batu Layar because the rocks are growing like a screen.
This tourist location is located in District Kelumbayan, Tanggamus District, Lampung Province, location of Dental Shark Beach itself is a fairly far from the residential area. This location is not far from Kiluan Bay, if you visit to Shark Dental Beach do not fo
rget to stop by Teluk Kiluan whose beauty view is not inferior to this location.
Towards Shark Dental Beach
Currently residents who are managing this place have started to develop access road to Beach Shark Beach location and to facilitate access of visitors who will come here. If you want to visit here, we can start the journey from Bakahueni then go to Panjang.
After arriving, at Long journey proceed to Teluk Kiluan, will pass Pringsewu and Kota Agung, and the last, will go to Pegadungan Beach or Shark Teeth Beach. Access to the coast road that must be passed very damaged if bringing the car derivernya must be reliable because the field is quite heavy. But if you do not want to take risks, better use the services of ojek citizens.
The distance from Teluk Kiluan to Pegadungan Beach is not far away, it only takes about 1 hour drive.
Similarly a review of Batu Layar Beach Tour - Lampung Shark Shark Teeth. Less and more his authors apologize if there is a wrong sentence. Also read another article about hitz tourist sites in the archipelago.
Hopefully useful for my friend as a reference plan next vacation. Thanks. :)
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